Here I set the path to be C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\myLibraries\FFTW3 Tell the compiler where to look for the header file(s) for the library.Unzip it to a directory or install it via a package manager. Download it from the website or via a package manager. For convinience, I am posting the steps directly below. Then, again, I followed the steps that are described in the link I provided above. The 2KB libfftw3-3.lib file was created inside the compiler's bin folder. Then I opened the cmd window as admin and executed dlltool -v -d f -l nlib32.lib. I added this directory, namely C:\Users\User\Downloads\minGW_GCC_10_1\mingw64\bin to system PATH as described in MinGW dlltool creates empty file.
Note that inside the same bin folder there exists the as.exe executable. I copied the f file and pasted it inside the bin folder of the mingw64 compiler, so that the dlltool can be used. In step 4 it says 'Tell the linker where to look for the library file(s) for the library.' Then I followed the steps described here.
I have downloaded the 64bit version from and unzipped it in C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\myLibraries\FFTW3. My compiler is the minGW GCC 10.1 and I am using Code::Blocks. I want to install the FFTW3 library in my system which runs on Windows 10.